The Corner-Stone Family has a number of ways for you to plug in and make a difference. Send us an email describing your areas of interest and you will be contacted by someone who can help you find just the right place to serve the Lord, His people, and/or the community we impact.

Areas to serve include:
- Kid’s Corner – we provide childcare and lessons for children from ages 6 months to 12 years old. Volunteers rotate to help in specific areas. We can always use more help in discipling our little ones!
- Worship Team – share your musical ability with the body, whether you have a special talent for singing or an instrument, we welcome additional talent into our praise and worship time.
- Audio and Video Team – each week a team prepares slides with lyrics, manages the sound booth to keep our worship team sounding their best, and uploads sermons to our podcast. If you have a special ability in any of these areas, we can always use more assistance.
- Grounds and Building Maintenance – during the spring and summer, we have a crew that works to keep our grounds looking great. From time to time, we’ll have special maintenance or upkeep projects at the church as well. Let us know if you’d like to be a part!
- … many, many more possibilities are available. Contact us for more information on how you can be a part of the body of Corner-Stone.